MISSING NAV-AIDS SCENERY FOR NORTHERN PACIFIC AND JAPAN FS5.1 DEFAULT SCENERY VERSION 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (read also the IMPORTANT note ate the end of this txt) The default Fs5.1 world scenery is including a lot of airports and a lot of navigational aids. But most of the navaids (VOR and NDB) are still missing. With the help of JEPPESEN, the biggest company specialized in distributing navigational data, I started making scenery files containing ONLY the missing VOR's and NDB's in the fs5.1 world. JEPPESEN exclusively provided me with the needed data files under the restriction that the data would only be used for non commercial scenery's for PC flightsimulation. (The database is dated February 1995) So take the copyright instruction included to the files very serious: in that way we can keep Jeppesens permission to use the database. This release is covering the northern PACIFIC. As the area coverage is not clear to everybody I will list the included Countries here: FSM MICRONESIA GUM GUAM HKG HONGKONG JTN JOHNSTON ATOLL KHM CAMBODIA KIR KIRIBATI KOR KOREA (SOUTH) LAO LAOS MHL MARSHALL Isl MID MIDWAY MMR MYANMAR MNP NORTHERN MARIANA ISL PHL PHILIPPINES THA THAILAND TWN TAIWAN USA HAWAII VNM VIETNAM INSTALLATION: Just copy the file PACNAV.BGL to your favorite homerbrew scenery directory and if you don't use the Japan add on scenery disk you should also copy JAPANAV.bgl to that place. CREDITS: I used SCASM vers. 1.27 to compile the stuff. Thanks to Manfred Moldenhauer! I used the file NAV.ZIP from Phil Saitta (MicroSoft) to exclude the in FS5.1 included nav-aids. NAV.ZIP includes the FS5.1 nav-aid information. IMPORTANT: I did a quick test on this stuff and all seems to work fine. Testing, locating and checking all included nav-aids would take a LOT of time. That's why I am asking YOU to test the file and to report me: -if you are missing nav-aids -if you find double nav-aids -if you encounter database errors -if you have suggestions for enhancements -if you know the correct fs5.1 magn.deviation around the world..... Please send bug reports, including exact (lat/lon) position of the problem, name of the navaid, etcetera, to: Johan van Cranenburgh CIS: 100416,751 Internet: 100416,751@compuserve.com 6-7-95